
About Me

Hi, reader! My screen name here is Dani, and I love to read and write (as you can obviously tell).

I'm a teen myself, and I aspire to be a published novelist someday. Other things I love to do include acting, playing soccer, listening to music, dipping my French fries in vanilla milkshakes, singing in the shower, playing with my dog, rock climbing, saying words backwards, and hanging out with my friends and family.

I started this blog not only to try to get my name out in the literary world, but also to share some of my pieces with fellow writers. I don't normally show off my work, but I figured now is as good a time as any to get started.

You can check out my other blog - Bookend Book Reviews - under my profile or click on the link above.  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. Thanks for checking out my blog!

Happy readings!

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