
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Secrets of Your Life - Other (Song Lyrics)

Secrets of Your Life

Where do you hold the secrets of your life?
Are they hidden deep in the shadows of the night?
Who do you cry to when everything’s gone wrong?
Who will be the one to listen to your song?

What will you do when he asks you to let him go?
How will you discover the things that you don’t know?
The fairy dust is fading and you feel you cannot fly;
The tears want to fall but you just can’t seem to cry.

The secrets of your life are anchoring you down,
Drowning you in the gossamer fabric of your gown,
Suffocating you in the waters of your strife.
Where do you hide the secrets of your life?

You don’t have a Superman to catch you when you fall.
You have to pick yourself back up and keep on walking tall.
Break the chains that hold you back and find out who you are,
Mend the wounds and live for now but don’t forget the scars.

What happened to those simpler days that you used to know?
The dark times, they came to stay and refuse to let you go,
But you fight and you try and you break out of their hold.
Although things are better now, you still feel the cold.

The secrets of your life are anchoring you down,
Drowning you in the gossamer fabric of your gown,
Suffocating you in the waters of your strife.
Where do you hide the secrets of your life?

You can’t return to Neverland where things were just so free.
No matter how hard you try things won’t go back the way they used to be.
So you try to forget and stifle your memories,
But they come crashing back to you like waves on stormy seas.

The secrets of your life are anchoring you down,
Drowning you in the gossamer fabric of your gown,
Suffocating you in the waters of your strife.
Where do you hide the secrets of your life?

All rights reserved. All written work on this page is the sole copyright of the author, username Dani, and may not be reprinted or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author. I certify that all work written here is original unless otherwise cited (such as in reference lists, etc.), and is my own. Any questions, comments, concerns, or requests for reprinting can be submitted to for review.

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